
Here is an opportunity to collaborate with your friends and classmates to do some more higher-level problem-solving. This wiki is a progression from the bulletin board we used this past summer. This time everyone's input is in one place. This will make it easier to follow a discussion or line of thought.

Ground Rules

Like any group participation activity, there have to be some ground rules. Here are ours.

  • The same problem will be posted for each class.
  • You will only post your thoughts to your own class's page.
  • You must finish any post with your name (first name and last initial).
  • Refer to the thoughts and ideas. Do not get personal.
  • Do not alter any previous input — build on it or disagree with it, but leave it be.
  • Use proper syntax, grammar, and spelling. Please do not use texting or instant-messaging abbreviations.

Feel free to visit the other class periods, but remember, you should only contribute to your own class.


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